60 years SOS Children's Village

A History In Pictures

Authors: Gertraud Zeindl, Lukas Morscher, Eveline Erlsbacher
Publisher: Christian Honold
ISBN: 978-3-86680-481-4
Published by: Sutton Verlag GmbH; Erfurt, 2009
Price: € 18,90

To be ordered by:

via www.suttonverlag.de or
Ms. Unterreiner: austria@suttonverlag.de
Available in: German
Edition: first edition


This book invites its readers to a visual journey through time by showing 200 fotos about the foundation and further history of development of SOS Children´s Villages beginning 1949 up to 1986. It´s a story about human beings who impressed through their courage as well as their compassion. A story, in which the child is in the centre of all our efforts...

”Today, SOS Children´s Villages looks back on 60 years of experience, and forward to the challenges of the future. This illustrated book is dedicated to Hermann Gmeiner’s presidency and the development  work of SOS Children’s Villages, concentrating mainly on the German-speaking “mother countries“. It is not intended to be exhaustive, but aims to show a representative profile. It is a sign of respect towards the work and achievements of the founder and his co-workers, as well as a sign of appreciation for the support of so many friends and donors. Without this mutual commitment of a better future for children, many successful journeys through life would not have been made.” (excerpt from the preface) 

Christian Honold (publisher)
Executive Director of the Hermann Gmeiner Academy


The illustrated book (ISBN  978-3-86680-481-4) can be ordered from Sutton Verlag GmbH here or under: austria@suttonverlag.de

Representative of the publishing house for Austria: Mag. Kathrin Unterreiner, phone and fax: +43 1 406 61 10 
or under: office@edelmann-wien.at (delivery)