Development Cooperation Talks

Talks on development cooperation

After the first rounds of talks from Nov 2012 to Feb 2013, the SOS CV Development cooperation Talks (DC-T) in the Hermann Gmeiner Academy in Innsbruck gets in the next round.

Foto: Stefan Lechner Photography

Raising awareness on the work of SOS CV as a development cooperation organization engineering social development in all our areas of operation is the challenge we undertake with all participant in the series of talks on development cooperation.

The DC-Talks is an internal platform offering spaces for learning, sharing and discussion opportunities on central issues like development, development cooperation, partnership, help, needs, sustainability, diversity, social development etc. These issues are among the working concepts which form, direct and inform the driving principles of all activities in and with the SOS Children’s Villages.

This we can read from our organization’s key messages:

"... We provide what each individual child needs. We get to know each child we deal with and work with them to develop an individual development plan. We continue our support until the youth is ready to become an independent adult”. These responses to the situation of the children, “we do in cooperation with other stakeholders” (Key Messages; SOS Children’s Village Programme Policy: Putting the child first. 2009)"

(Schlüsselbotschaften; SOS-Kinderdorf-Programmpolitik: Das Kind zuerst. 2009).


  1. There are three to four sessions of talks each year.
  2. Each year will have a main theme around which other discussion topics will revolve.
  3. There are debates debates with proponents and opponents. There will also be free space for anyone who wants to contribute for any of the sides to the ongoing debate. After the debating, there will be space for discussions. At the end, a moderator will summarize the highlights of the debate.
  4. There will be non-directive, practice-oriented exercises, group assignments and short inputs by internal and external experienced people in the field of Development cooperation, development Aid and social development.

photo: Stefan Lechner Photography

Topics and agendas


22 March 2017: Social business - an alternative to traditional non-profit approaches? Lessons learned from around the globe!



14 March 2016: Democracy, Education and Non-Dominant Futures! How to foster the constitution of self-determined members of society? 

18 May 2016: The Development of SOS Children’s Villages Development Cooperation over the past 1.000 days; Elements of success and ambitions for the future

20 September 2016: Investment in Social and Economic Change for Child Well-being in Nigeria



23 September 2015Saving Female Children in Sudan from Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) through Microcredit

11.03.2015: Solidarity across Borders? Rethinking Politics in a Postcolonial World
Talk with Dr. Nikita Dhawan



17 June 2014: Is development cooperation an integral part of our SOS Children’s Villages identity? If Yes, how? vs. If No (or not yet fully), why?

17 September 2014: The main objective of development cooperation is to boost social development? For the giver? Or for the receiver? Or actually for both?

18 November 2014: The SOS Children's Village of Tomorrow: Our integrative approach to social development?



For more information please contact:

Dr. Walter Waltz Anyanwu
+43 512 3316 5704