

education and training of committed adults

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Living Dialogue

on social issues and topics pertaining to SOS Children's Villages

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Intercultural Encounters

adult education for people from all over the world

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Enjoy warm hospitality

in our international seminar house in Tyrol

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Discover, explore and experience the history of SOS Children's Villages

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Important news: 168澳洲幸 运10开奖官网开奖结果体彩 + 澳 洲幸运10(正规)开奖168体彩网: 开奖查询结果、开奖回顾历史记录 Suspension of seminary operations to provide emergency care and housing for young people from Ukraine

Official statement

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International training centre of SOS Children's Villages and seminar house

We are a platform dedicated to the professional exchange, training and further education of the employees of SOS Children’s Villages and the location of many conferences essential to the organisation’s work. Our archive constitutes the memory of SOS Children’s Villages. Additionally, our research also focuses on topics relating to childhood, family and organizational culture.

Furthermore, the academy is responsible for the distribution of awards recognizing the special commitment and achievements of program participants and employees around the world. Our house is also open to the many friends of SOS Children's Villages and other social organizations and can be booked on a collaborative basis. Our heart and professional commitment is for a world of tomorrow in which all children are respected, loved and supported in their development so that they have many opportunities for a self-determined, happy life.

2nd Photo (Education): Stefan Lechner Photography

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Learning & Development

Harvesting Workshop 2020/21

February 18 2022 - The video of the Harvesting Workshop 2020/21 is now online! Take a peek into the inspiring stories of SOS Children's Villages staff members from all over the world here.
Seminar centre

Christmas closing period

December 24 2021 - The seminar centre of the Hermann Gmeiner Academy will be closed
from Thursday, December 23, 2021 up to and including Thursday, January 6, 2022.
From Friday, January 7, 2022 we will be there for you again within our usual opening hours!

We mourn the loss of Rudolf Maurhard

December 10 2021 - We mourn the loss of Mr. Rudolf Maurhard, who passed away on December 6, 2021. He was the long-serving director of the world's first SOS Children's Villages Youth Programme and subsequently the managing director of the Hermann Gmeiner Academy.
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143 participants from 一六八澳洲幸运10幸运开奖(中国)官方网站: 查询澳洲幸运10的正规官网开奖信息 all over the world - discover their inspiring stories