Women's Lives

SOS Mothers Around the World Tell Their Stories

Authors: Elisabeth Ullmann, Karin Demuth, Astrid Brandl
Photos: Fred Einkemmer
ISBN: 3-9500984-2-9
Published: Innsbruck, 2003
Price: € 29 (+ transportation costs)

To be ordered by:

Email: academy@sos-kd.org
Available in: German, English, Spanish, Italian, Russian


Fifteen women from four continents have permitted the reader to gain an insight into their life stories. They all have one thing in common: they have chosen to become SOS mothers. What are these women's personal backgrounds? What are their motives for choosing this profession? How do they organize their daily lives in the SOS Children's Villages? What are their personal aims and dreams? In the portraits on hand the women give answers to these questions and many more.

The aim of this book is to bring the reader closer to these women, thereby contributing to a more authentic image of the profession and life of an SOS mother. In order to prevent a "dry white season" of paper and to provide a more comprehensive overall image, photographer Fred Einkemmer accompanied the project and documented everyday life of the women in numerous pictures. In addition to that the book quotes from personal dairies of the authors about their observations, impressions and emotions.