We hope this finds you healthy and well, as we all continue to navigate this unprecedented situation. The Hermann Gmeiner Academy reopened in June, through this time, the health and safety of our guests and staff has of course as always continued to be our top priority. We will therefore continue to adhere to the latest guidance and hygiene protocols while doing our best to ensure your stay will be just as enjoyable as you are used to.
We are very pleased to inform you that this year we will stay open for the entire summer providing you with plenty of time to:
… present newly conceived ideas
… resume postponed courses
… hold a face-to-face meeting after all those online sessions
… spend some well-deserved time off in beautiful Tyrol
We are looking forward to hosting your events, seminars and vacations throughout the summer!
Please contact us for reservations under academy@sos-kd.org
We can also be reached by phone on weekdays from 8am – 12am: +43 512 3316
Have a good summer and stay healthy!
The team of the SOS-Kinderdorf Hermann-Gmeiner-Akademie