Hermann Gmeiner Award winners 1991-1995

Hermann Gmeiner Award winner 1995

The Hermann Gmeiner Award 1995 went to Olatungie Woode and John Conteh from Sierra Leone for their commitment as village directors during the military conflict in Sierra Leone.

Hermann Gmeiner Award winner 1994

The Hermann Gmeiner Award 1994 was presented to Brigitte Maier, Seekirchen (Austria)/Ecuador for a development cooperation project with Indigenas in Ecuador.

Hermann Gmeiner Award winner 1993

The Hermann Gmeiner Award 1993 was given to doctor German Calderon Espinoza from Nicaragua for building a local hospital which provides medical care to the surrounding population.

Hermann Gmeiner Award winner 1991

The Hermann Gmeiner Award 1991 was presented to Willy Huber from Somalia for his commitment and for the commitment of SOS Children’s Villages as well as for holding out in Somalia during the fierce battles of the civil war.